Project RISE

A participatory democracy requires an engaged citizenry, civically ready to successfully meet grand challenges. Schools play an important role in fostering civic readiness and providing civic opportunities for all youth. Such demanding forms of civic curricula require teachers to possess extensive knowledge of their local community, public policy, and how to leverage public policy to solve community problems.

Project RISE intends to develop and implement innovative culturally relevant digital civics instruction modules aligned with American History, Civics, and Government courses, along with learning strategies (i.e., a mobile App), and teacher professional development opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and to enhance the civic readiness (i.e., civic purpose, civic knowledge and skills, and empathy) of students.

Project RISE sets out train teachers to nurture citizen-engineers by incorporating culturally relevant digital civic learning instruction modules and mobile App to reinvigorate and re-conceptualize hands-on civic engagement for middle and high school students, particularly those from low income and underserved communities.


Providing “an educated citizenry”: Project RISE

Thomas Jefferson believed firmly that “an educated citizenry is a vital requisite” for a functioning democracy. A new project headed by Purdue University researchers seeks to provide teachers with learning strategies and professional development opportunities to nurture citizen-engineers and provide civic opportunities to all youth…

Jones blends STEM Education with civics lessons through work on grant-funded project

NC State College of Education Assistant Professor Tamecia Jones is applying her background in engineering to help K-12 students understand and address inequities in their communities through civic engagement…

Project RISE

The RISE Project is a cohort-based program that allows your school to refine, implement, sustain, and scale powerful teaching and learning strategies adapted to your needs and assets with: Targeted Professional Development, Coaching and Sustained Support to Transform School Culture, and Team Building Custom Action Plan…

This project is a U.S. Department of Education funded project spearheaded by researchers at Purdue University & North Carolina State University.